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WSBC Charity Partner RMH Westmead's Update

04-Feb-2016 17:33 | Deleted user

It was in February (actually on Valentine’s Day) last year that we launched our Building Love Campaign to raise awareness and $31M in funds to build the new Ronald McDonald House Westmead.

As we stand today, we’re over $22M towards our target, we’ve started the construction, and we’re confident of occupying the new House in 18 months or so. In the meantime however, we’re still in our current House and given the fact that it’s now over 20 years old and accommodates hundreds and hundreds of people each year, maintenance and upkeep is one of our key daily challenges.

We want to provide the very best for the families staying with us. It’s our Home and we’re proud of it. Maybe you can help us?

Can I ask you to think about whether you have any time (and skills) to help us in this area, or maybe you know someone who would love to help us out if only they were asked? Maybe you’re a Tradie and can spare a couple of hours every so often to help us when things do go wrong.

Please do get in touch if this is the case.



Tel: (02) 9845 0600 


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